Insertion: Humerus (proximal anterior) Lesser tubercle
Common distortions due to weakness include glenohumeral instability and the inability to reach
behind the back
Common distortions due to tightness is an internally rotated humerus.
Joint Action performed by the Shoulder (glenohumeral)
- External Rotation
- Horizontal abduction
- Stabilizes glenohumeral joint
Origin: Scapula – Lateral border, Posterior on upper and middle aspect
Insertion: Humerus – Greater tubercle (posterior) – inferior facet
Common distortions caused by weakness is glenohumeral instability
Biceps Brachii (long head)
Joint Action performed by the Elbow and Forearm
- Flexion
- Supination - respectively
For example it bends the elbow and turns palms up.
Origin: Scapula – Supraglenoid tubercle
Insertion: 1. Radius – Tubercle
- Fascia of forearm – Bicipital aponeurosis
The bicep tendon also assists in glenohumeral stabilization
Common exercises include bicep curls, Lat. Pulldowns.