- You should never round your back while performing Good Mornings.
A. True
B. False - When performing hanging leg raises you want to hyperextend the spine.
A. True
B. False - Relying on wraps during regular workouts could decrease the training effect.
A. True
B. False - When working the adductors, more emphasis should be put on flexibility unless directed by a
physician for a specific purpose.
A. True
B. False - When performing the quadraped arm-leg raise the proper starting position is start on all fours,
knees under hips, hands under shoulders.
A. True
B. False - The proper way to perform a stiff leg deadlift is to bend at your waist with your head up, back
straight and knees soft. Hold bar with hands about 16 inches apart. Straighten up while
holding the bar at arm’s length. Can also be done standing on a bench or box (so that plates
don’t touch the floor) or with dumbbells.
A. True
B. False - Squatting on the smith machine takes pressure off of the back, but puts significant pressure
on the.
A. Neck
B. Hips
C. Shoulders
D. Knees
ben green
(Ben Green)