Biceps Brachii (short head)
Joint Action performed by the Elbow, Forearm
- Flexion
- Supination – respectively
Joint Action performed by the Shoulder (glenohumeral)
- Flexion (weak)
- Horizontal Abduction (weak)
For example it bends the elbow, turns palms up and assists in brining upper arm forwards.
Origin: Scapula – Coracoid process
Insertion: 1. Radius – Tubercle
- Fascia of forearm – Bicipital aponeurosis
Common distortions due to tightness is a protracted scapula
Joint Action performed by the Elbow
- Flexion (primary)
Origin: Humerus (anterior)
Insertion: Ulna – Coronoid process
For example bends elbow such as doing bicep curl
Joint Action performed by the Elbow
- Flexion
For example bends elbow with thumb pointed up