Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Deviation, 11, 75
Diarthroses, 54
Dispelling Common Myths, 106
Displacement, 78
Dorsal Colums, 89
Dorsiflexion, 11, 75
Downward Cable chop, 176
Dyna Disc crunch, 171
Dynamic Streching, 129
Dynamic, 77

Energy Systems, 110
Eccentric Contraction, 101
Efferent pathway, 89
Efferent, 64
Elbow, 55, 76
Elevation, 11, 75
Environmental Constraints, 77
Equilibrium, 271
Erector Spinae, 18, 144
Evaluations, 218-225
Eversion, 11, 75
Excessive hip adduction, 151
Exercise enthusiast, 212
Extension, 11, 75
Extensor Digitorum Brevis, 43
Extensor Digitorum Longus, 43
Extensor Hallucis Brevis, 45
Extensor Hallucis Longus, 45
External Obliques, 144
External Rotation, 11, 75

Fasciculations, 131
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis, 39
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus, 38
Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius, 39
Finger, 76
Flat Bones, 51
Flexion, 11, 75
Flexor Digitorius Longus, 42
Flexor Digitorus Brevis, 44
Flexor Endurance, 157
Flexor Hallucis Brevis, 41
Flexor Hallucis Longus, 41
Foam Roll Gastroc/ Soleus, 205
Foam Roll Glutes, 204
Foam Roll Hamstring, 204

Foam Roll IT band, 204
Foam Roll low back, 194, 204
Foam Roll QL, 195, 205
Foam Roll single leg Squat, 203
Foam Roller Abductor, 195, 206
Foam Roller DB Press, 201
Foam roller fly, 201
Foam roller Lat, 206
Foam Roller Plank, 164, 187, 203
Foam roller prone knee Tuck, 202
Foam roller push up, 201
Foam roller squat w/ band, 202
Foam Roller supine
Extremity raise, 167
Foam roller supine Tuck, 203
Foam roller thoracic mobility, 205
Foam roller wall squat, 251
Force arm, 81
Force, 78
Forearm, 25
Frequently Asked questions, 6-7
Frontal Lobes, 62
Frontal Plane, 74
Fulcrum, 81
Full Upper Body Plank
on Ball, 164, 187
Functional Core Routine, 4, 147
Functional Training, 3
Fusiform, 99

Gait Cycle, 83
Ganglion, 68
Gap Junctions, 67
Gastrocnemius, 37
Glenohumeral, 76
Gliding, 11, 75
Gluteus, 32-33
Glycolysis energy system, 117
Glycolysis, 112
Golgi tendon organs, 66, 89
Good Morning, 259
Gracilis, 29
Gym hater, 212

Hack Squat, 250
Half Front Plank-
Knees, 164, 187

Half Marathon, 116
Half Roller Bird Dog, 186, 203
Half side Bridge, 162
Hamstring, 34
Hanging Hip Flexion, 260
Herniated Disc, 122
High knee skips, 135
High knee walks, 134
Hip and Pelvis Structure, 53
Hip External Rotators, 31
Hip Hinge, 138, 155, 223
Hip, 56, 76
Hippocampus, 63
How Muscles Contract, 101
How to choose what program
fits the person, 211
Humeral head, 53
Hyperextension, 11, 75
Hyperkyphosis, 123
Hyperlordosis, 123
Hypoextension, 11, 75
Hypolordosis, 123
Hypothalamus, 63

Ideal Mechanical Advantage, 81
Iliocostalis cervicis, 145
Iliocostalis dorsi, 145
Iliocostalis lumborum, 145
Ilium, 53
Immediate Recruitment, 103
Impingement, 122
Infraspinatus, 145
Injuries, 272-273
In-seasion, 216
Intermediate Faillure, 105
Internal Rotation, 11, 75
Internal Obliques, 144, 145
Interneurons, 67
Interspinalis, 146
Intertransverssarii, 146
Inversion, 11, 75
Irregular Bones, 51
Isokinetic, 102
Isometric Contraction, 101
Isotonic Contraction, 101
lliacus, 30, 145
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