Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Proactive, 90
Problems with static streching
prior to exercise, 126
Pronation, 11, 75
Pronator Teres, 27
Prone ITB/TFL Stretch, 138
Proprioception, 89
Proprioceptve Neuromuscular
Facilitation, 129
Protraction, 11, 75
Psoas Major, 29
Psoas Roll, 195, 206
Psoas, 145
Pubis, 53
Push up, 221

Quad roll, 206
Quad Stretch, 139
Quadrate, 99
Quadratus Lumborum, 144, 145
Quadratus Plantae, 43
Quadruped Alternate
Arm-leg raise , 249
Quadruped Single Leg Drag, 186
Quick Summary, 116

Reactive, 90
Reciprocal Inhibition, 128
Recrational Athlete, 222
Rectus Abdominis, 144, 145
Rectus Femoris, 36
Red Fast twitch fibers, 100
Red Slow twitch fibers, 100
References, 275-276
Reflex, 90
Resistance area, 81
Resistance arm, 81
Resistive Force, 81
Resistive, 77
Resultant, 78
Retraction, 11, 75
Rhomboid, 18
Rocker board with
Pertubations, 190
Romanian Deadlift, 262-263
Rotation, 11, 75
Rotator cuff, 20

Rough Sarcoplasmic
Reticulum, 97
Rules for any Exercise
Method, 114
Running Butt Kick, 135

Sacrum, 53, 146
Sagittal Plane, 74
Sartorius, 34
Scapula ( shoulder blade), 53, 76
Schwann Cells, 67
Seated Hamstring Stretch, 140
Seated shoulder press, 237
Semimembranosus, 35
Semitendinosus, 35
Sensory Cortex, 88
Sensory, 67
Serious athlete, 211
Serratus Anterior, 14
Sesamoid Bones, 51
Short Bones, 51
Shoulder structure, 53
Shoulder, 19, 55
Side Bridge Endurance Test, 222
Side Bridge/ Rot. , 162
Side Bridge-Forearm, 158
Side lying Trunk Twist, 133
Side Plank, 161
Side Step Chop, 181
Side-to-side leg swing, 133
Single leg dyna disk bridge, 189
Single leg hip Hinge
with Pole, 155
Single leg Hip Hinge, 134
Single Leg squats, 235
Single leg Supine bridge, 189
Sit up machine, 246
Sit up to Throw, 179
Skeletal muscle tissue, 100
Skeletal muscle, 98
Skeleton function, 50
Smith Machine Bench Press, 232
Smith Machine Squats, 230
Soleus, 38
Somatic nervous system, 64
Sphinx, 193
Spina Bifida, 122
Spinal Cord, 60, 63

Spinal Fusion, 123
Spinalis dorsi, 145
Spine Structure and
basic function, 52
Spinocerebellum, 88
Splenius cervicis, 145
Squat, 221, 266, 265
Squat-Dumbell, 155
Stability, 78
Stabilizers, 102
Stance Phase, 83-84
Standing Hamstring Stretch, 138
States of Metabolism, 271
Static Streching, 127-128
Static, 76
Stenosis, 122
Step back Medicine
Ball Twists, 180
Sternal, 13
Stiff Leg Deadlift, 258
Strength, 79
Stretch Reflex, 128
Stretching, 126
Subscapularis, 21
Suno Squat, 255
Superman, 248
Supination, 11, 75
Supinator, 28
Supine Bridge on foam roller, 173
Supine Leg Whips, 135
Supplemental motor area, 88
Supraspinatus, 21, 145
Swing Phase, 83
Swiss ball crunch, 261
Sympathetc Nervous System, 64
Sympathetic, 60, 64
Synarthroses, 54
Synergists, 102

Tangental Force, 80
Temporal Lobes, 62
Tendon, 54
Tensor Fasciae Latae, 33
Teres Major, 15, 145
Teres Minor, 22, 145
Thalamus, 63
The Muscular system, 10
The skeletal system, 50
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