Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Thoracic stretch, 205
Thoracic vertebrae, 146
Thoracic, 146
Thoracolumbar Fascia, 145
Tibialis Anterior, 43
Tibialis Posterior, 40
Toe, 76
Torque, 81
Toy Soldier, 136, 194
Traditional Sit up, 240
Trainer function, 91
Translating Motion, 80
Transverse Cable Chops, 178,
Transverse Plane, 74
Transversus Abdominus, 144, 145
Trapezius, 16
Trends Ordered sequence, 90
Triangular, 98
Triceps Brachii, 24
Trunk Curl, 159
Types of Joints, 53
Types of Streching, 128

Understanding & application of the
systems to training, 115
Unilateral Knee Lift, 170
Unipennate, 98
Upper Black β€˜Cat’, 189
Upper Extremity, 52
Upright row, 252
Upward Chop, 177

Vastus Intermedius, 36
Vastus Lateralis, 36
Vastus Medialis, 37
Vector, 78
Velocity, 79
Vestibulocerebullum, 88
Voluntary, 62

Wall sit, 202
Wall Slide/ Arm Elevation, 196
Warm-up and Cool-Down
Period, 114
Warrior Lunge Hip

Flexor Stretch, 135, 193
Warrior Stretch Twist, 138
Weight belts, 257
Weight loss, 212
What is overtraining, 270
What is the most
efficient system?, 113
White, fast, twitch muscle
fibers, 96
Windmills, 134, 194
Wobble board med ball pass, 191
Work, 80
Wrist Flexors, 26
Wrist, 55, 76


Yoga Twist, 133

100m Sprint, 115
800m Run, 115
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