Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1


Joint Action performed by the Forearm

  1. Supinates – turning palming up

Origin: 1. Humerus – Laterl epicondyle

  1. Ulna – Supinator crest Radial Collateral Ligament

Insertion: Radius – Proximal third (lateral aspect)

Common distortions due to tightness include Lateral epicondylosis and radial nerve entrapment


Adductor Brevis

Joint Action performed by the Hip

  1. Adduction

  2. Horizontal Adduction – bringing thighs together

  3. Flexion (initial)

Origin: Pubis

Insertion: Femur (medial) – A. Lesser trochanter B. Linea aspera


Joint Action performed by the Hip

  1. Adduction

  2. Horizontal Adduction

  3. Flexion (initial)

Origin: Pubis

Insertion: Femur (medial) – Linea aspera

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