Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

For example the hip and spine combined bring thigh forward and up. It helps bend the trunk forward
against gravity. It assists with adduction, external rotation, and flexion of the lumbar spine.

Origin: Vertebrae (lateral surface ) A. Thoracic (T12) B. Lumbar (L1-L5) C. Intervertebral discs

Insertion: Femur – Lesser Trochanter

Common distortions caused by tightness include restriction of hip extension, hyperextension
of lumbar spine, and flexion of hips and trunk. Exercises such as sit-ups and leg lifts usually
emphasize these muscles over the abdominal muscles. Illiopsoas is commonly referred to
as one muscle, however, they are two separate muscles working synergistically (Psoas and Iliacus)


Joint Action performed by the Hip and Spine

  1. Flexion

  2. Spine (thoracic & lumbar) – lateral flexion

For example the hip and spine combined bring thigh forward and up. It helps bend the trunk forward
against gravity. It assists with adduction, external rotation, and flexion of the lumbar spine when
femur is stabilized

Origin: Iliac fossa to the tendon of the Psoas Major

Insertion: Femur – Lesser Trochanter

Common distortions caused by tightness include restriction of hip extension, hyperextension
of lumbar spine, and flexion of hips and trunk. Exercises such as sit-ups and leg lifts usually
emphasize these muscles over the abdominal muscles. Illiopsoas is commonly referred to
as one muscle, however, they are two separate muscles working synergistically (Psoas and
Iliacus). Treat them as two muscles and you will get better results. They have different origins, but
insert together on the femur

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