Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Gluteus Maximus – I. Upper Fibers
II. Lower Fibers

Joint Action performed by the Hip

  1. Extension (I,II)

  2. External rotation (I,II)

  3. Horizontal abduction (I,II)

  4. Adduction (II)

For example it brings the thigh back and assists in standing from a seated position.

Origin: 1. Ilium (I,II) – Crest (posterior)

  1. Sacrum (posterior) (I,II)

  2. Thoracolumbar fascia (I,II)

Insertion: 1. Femur – Fluteal line (II)

  1. Tibia – Lateral condyle – Iliotibial tract (lateral thigh) (I)

For example exercises such as squats, lunges, bridges

Common distortions due to weakness include inability to squat. Tight hamstrings and erector
spinae due to overcompensation. This will lead to instability of the trunk and overloading of the
facet joints in the lumbar spine.

Gluteus Medius – I. Anterior Fibers
II. Posterior Fibers

Joint Action performed by the Hip

  1. Abduction (I,II)

  2. Horizontal Abduction (I,II)

  3. Internal rotation (I)

  4. External rotation (during abduction) (II)

For example it lifts leg out to the side and turns it in.

Origin: Ilium – External surface just below crest. A. Anterior (I) B. Posterior (II)

Insertion: Femur – Greater trochanter – Posterior and lateral surface (I,II)

Exercises include squats (with tubing around knees emphasizing abduction), lunges, and
lateral lunges

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