Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1


Joint Action performed by the Second, third, fourth and fifth digits

  1. Assists line of pull of flexor digitorum longus

  2. Flexion (assists)

Origin: 1. Medial Head – Calcaneus (Medial aspect)

  1. Long plantar ligament (Medial aspect)

  2. Lateral Head – Calcaneus (Lateral border – plantar aspect)

  3. Long Plantar Ligament – lateral aspect

Insertion: Flexor digitorum longus tendon – tendon, dorsal, and plantar aspects


Joint Action performed by the Ankle and Intertarsal

  1. Dorsiflexion

  2. Inversion (supination) – respectively

For example it pulls the foot up and heel walking

Origin: Tibia – lateral

Insertion: 1. Tarsal – Cuneiform (medial)

  1. Metatarsal – first

Exercise for this muscle is reverse calf raise

Common distortions due to weakness include inability to dorsiflex, a foot drop during gait, and
the inability to performed a squat without lifting heels


Joint Action performed by the Second through fifth metatarsophalangeal joints

  1. Flexion

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