Principles of Functional Exercise

(Ben Green) #1

Flexion: 110-130 degrees
Flex knee and bring thigh close to abdomen.
Extension: 30 degrees
Move thigh backward without moving the pelvis.
Abduction: 45-50 degrees
Swing thigh away from midline.
Adduction: 20-30 degrees
Bring thigh toward and across midline.
Internal rotation: 40 degrees
Flex knee and swing lower leg away from midline.
External rotation: 45 degrees
Flex knee and swing lower leg toward midline.

Flexion: 130 degrees
Touch calf to hamstring.
Extension: 15 degrees
Straighten out knee as much as possible.
Internal rotation: 10 degrees
Twist lower leg toward midline.

Flexion: 45 degrees
Bend ankle so toes point up.
Extension: 20 degrees
Bend ankle so toes point down.
Pronation: 30 degrees
Turn foot so the sole faces in.
Supination: 20 degrees
Turn foot so the sole faces out.

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