Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

After core strength has been developed, the focus should then shift to developing lower and ultimately
upper-body strength. It is imperative that the exercises you choose are functional or sport-specific
exercises that reflect the movement patterns of soccer (lunge or squat for example).

Developing Eccentric Strength

After developing a base level of core and whole body strength, the next major goal for soccer players
should be to develop eccentric strength. This component of strength is frequently overlooked, but is
crucial for overall strength development. A high level of eccentric strength is especially important for
good decelerating and stopping ability, a major component of agility.

Developing eccentric strength is done by using slow and controlled movements during the eccentric phase
of an exercise. When an athlete lowers themselves during the squat, lunge or the push up, this is the
eccentric phase. Have your athletes perform the eccentric phase of appropriate exercises (squat, one-
legged squat, lunge, lateral lunge, push-up) for 5 seconds before forcefully returning to the start position.
You can also do jumps in which the players try to slow the lowering phase after landing.

Developing Maximum Strength

Maximum Strength refers to the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can produce during a
single muscle contraction. Training for maximum strength requires lifting very heavy loads (close to 1
repetition maximum) and should only be done by well-trained and experienced players. Although
maximum strength is beneficial for improving power-associated soccer movements (jumping,
accelerating, et.) it is not necessary for all levels of play.

Developing Strength Endurance

The final strength goal for soccer players should be developing strength endurance. Strength Endurance
refers to your muscles' ability to produce force over an extended period of time. Strength endurance is the
only strength component that has an element of fatigue. Great strength endurance is essential in a sport
like soccer that requires players to perform repeated high intensity actions throughout the game, and thus
a high work capacity is required. Many coaches try to develop strength endurance as the first phase of
strength development. However, without a base level of strength you cannot fully develop strength

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