Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


The exercises provided are either i) functional exercises that reflect the movement patterns of soccer and
therefore target and strengthen the muscles used in the sport, or ii) exercises aimed specifically at
improving core strength and balance.


Objective: Develop lower body (gluteus
maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors)

Level: Beginner

Directions and Coaching Points: Have the
player stand erect with feet shoulder width apart
and parallel to each other. Direct them to take a
step forward (about 2 to 3 feet) with the right
leg, gradually flexing the right knee and hip,
until the left knee just about touches the floor
(Figure 6. 2).

The right foot should land flat on the ground
with the toes pointing forward and the right
thigh should be parallel to the ground. Have
them return to the starting position by pushing
off with the right foot, extending the knee and
hip. The torso should be kept erect through the
entire motion. Repeat the process with the left
leg and continue for the desired number of

Figure 6.2
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