Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Lateral Lunges

Objective: Develop lower body (gluteus
maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors,
hip abductors and adductors) strength

Level: Beginner

Directions and Coaching Points: The starting
position is the same as lunge, but this time the
player takes a step laterally with the right leg
until the right thigh is just about parallel to the
ground. The player’s body weight should be
kept over the heel of the right leg. The left leg
should remain straight and the left foot should
remain flat on the floor (Figure 6.3). Return to
starting position by pushing off with the right
foot and then repeat the process for the left leg.
Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions.

Multi-Directional Lunges

Objective: Develop lower body strength in
different planes of motion

Level: Intermediate

Directions and Coaching Points: The multi-
directional lunge uses the same technique as the
standard and lateral lunge with a few additions.
Starting with the right leg, the athlete i) lunges
forward then back to the starting position; ii)
lunges laterally and then back to the starting
position; and iii) lunges diagonally backwards
(Figure 6.4) and then back to the starting
position. The players should perform one lunge
in each direction with the right leg and then
switch to the left. Repeat for the desired amount
of repetitions.

Figure 6.3

Figure 6.4
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