Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Objective: Develop lower body (gluteus
maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings) and basic
core strength

Level: Beginner

Directions and Coaching Points: Have the
athlete stand on a flat surface with the feet
parallel to each other and shoulder width apart.
The arms should be folded across the chest as
shown (Figure 6.5). Have the athlete squat down
until the thighs are parallel to the floor, pause for
one second and then return to the starting
position by extending the ankles, knees and hips.
Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions.

Single-Leg Squats*

Objective: Develop lower body and core
strength as well as static balance

Level: Advanced

Directions and Coaching Points: Begin by
having the athlete stand with feet shoulder width
apart and placing both hands on their hip. Next,
have them stand and balance on one leg without
the planted foot shifting or without the opposite
foot touching the ground (Figure 6.6a). Instruct
the athlete to squat down to the lowest possible
position without raising the heel of the planted
foot and without the outstretched leg touching
the floor (Figure 6.6b). Have them hold this
position for one second and then return to the
starting position. Repeat for the desired amount
of repetitions.

Figure 6.5


Figure 6.6

  • For players with limited flexibility, you may consider placing a board or firm object that is
    approximately 1 inch (2.5cm) thick under the heels so that they can maintain proper form.

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