Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Level: Beginner

Objective: Develop overall core strength

Directions and Coaching Points: Have the player lie down flat on the ground in a prone position. Have
them place both forearms on the ground, parallel to the body, so that the elbows are directly below the
shoulders. Instruct them to initiate the plank position by raising the hips and trunk off the ground (by
contracting the core muscles) so that the body is straight (Figure 6.11a). Only the forearms and toes
should be in contact with the ground. Do not allow the hips to sag towards the ground. Hold this position
for the required time (approximately 30 to 60 seconds).

a) b)

c) d)
Figure 6.11

Progression: This exercise can be progressed by making several body adjustments while maintaining a
plank (straight) position: i) raising one foot off the ground (Figure 6.11b); ii) raising one arm off the
ground (Figure 6.11c); and iv) raising one arm and the opposite foot off the ground (Figure 6.11 d).

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