Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Hand-Shake Push-Up

Objective: Develop upper body Strength as well
as core stability

Level: Intermediate

Directions and Coaching Points: This exercise
can be done in pairs or in isolation. Have the two
athletes lie facing each other so that their bodies
are in a straight line and their heads are about 12
inches apart. Have them assume the standard
push-up position and lower themselves at the
same time (Figure 6.16a and 6.16b). At the top
of the movement have both players shake hands
(left hand in picture) while maintaining a stable
plank position (Figure 6.16c). Have them shake
hands for 1 to 2 seconds and return to starting
position. Repeat the process for the desired
amount of repetitions, but switch hands after
each repetition.



Figure 6.16

Plank with 1-Arm Row

Objective: Develop upper body (upper back)
strength and core stability

Level: Advanced

Directions and Coaching Points: Have the
player get in the starting position for the
standard push-up (Figure 6.17a). Have the
player perform a one arm row by lifting the right
hand off the ground and raising the elbow
upwards until the palm touches the chest (Figure
6.17b). Hold this position for one second and
then steadily return to the starting position.
Repeat the procedure with the left hand and then
perform the desired amount of repetitions.
Ensure that the players maintain a stable plank

position and that they keep the elbow close to
the body when rowing.

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