Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Push -Ups with Side-Footed Volleys

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of two with one ball between the pair. Have them
stand approximately 2 to 3 yards apart. One player starts in a push-up position and the other will start
with the ball in their hands. On the coach’s call, the player without the ball does a push-up and then
immediately rises to a standing position, receives a tossed pass from their partner and returns the pass
with a side-footed volley. The player immediately drops down, does another push-up and rises again to
receive another toss. Repeat this process for a total of about 8 to 12 repetitions and then have your players
switch roles. It is important that the player tossing the ball gives a good throw each time.

Variation/Progression: For the above (and other combinations), you can vary the technical component by
choosing headers, volleys using the instep/laces, control with the chest and then volley, or control with
the thigh and then volley. Additionally, you can progress the exercise by using a more difficult variation
of the strength exercise (For instance, triceps push-up in the above example).

ii) Performing low-intensity ball work during rest periods between sets

This method is most appropriate for exercises such as the plank or hip bridge and other core exercises that
require the athlete to hold a set position for a specific amount of time. It is also suitable when focusing on
eccentric strength because the sets take longer than normal. The most suitable strength training exercises
to use with this method include the plank, side plank, supine plank, hip bridge, plank with one-arm row,
single-leg deadlift, multi-directional lunge, hand-shake push-up and eccentric hamstring exercise.

It is important that the ball-component of the drill be low in intensity, which allows the athletes to recover
from each set of the strength exercise. The following are a few examples that can be used:

Planks with Individual Dribbling

Set-up and Directions: This exercise uses the penalty box for the playing area. Each player needs a ball.
Instruct them to dribble around inside the playing area using small touches while keeping their heads up
(Figure 6.19). They are not allowed to go outside the penalty box. After 90 seconds, have all players
perform a set of planks for 90 seconds. As soon everyone is finished, have them dribble again for another
90 seconds, after which, they perform a second set of planks. Continue this cycle for the desired amount
of sets, or strength exercises (no more than 2 to 3).

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