Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Assessing Balance

Single Leg Squat: The single leg squat is an excellent way to assess balance in addition to core strength.

Equipment: Flat open space on a field or gym

Set-up and Directions: Begin by having the athlete stand with feet shoulder width apart and placing both
hands on the hip. Next, have them stand and balance on one leg without the planted foot shifting or
without the opposite foot touching the ground (Figure 1.2a). After maintaining this position for at least
five seconds, have the athlete squat down to the lowest possible position without raising the heel of the
planted foot (Figure 1.2b). The back should be kept straight and the non-standing leg should remain
outstretched and pointing forwards. Have the player return to the starting position and repeat for a total of
three times. Ensure both legs are tested.

a) b)
Figure 1.2 Assessing Balance Using the Single Leg Squat

Assessment: Assess how low the athlete is able to go as well the stability of the balancing leg by
answering these questions: Does the leg wobble? Does the heel frequently leave the ground throughout
the downward motion? Does the foot remain flat during the squat? If the athlete is unable to squat more
than a few inches, then flexibility at the ankle and hip joints is limited and they should emphasize hip
flexor and calf exercises in their stretching routine (Chapter 2). If the balancing leg frequently shifts
during the squatting motion or if the athlete has difficulty keeping the foot flat, then ensure that extra
emphasis is placed on the balance component of the athletes conditioning program.

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