Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Table 6.1 Variables and Guidelines for Strength Training Program Design

Phase of


Strength Training


Number of


Sets (and


Per Exercise

Rest Period

For Exercises

Early Off-
Basic Strength
4 to 6
2 to 3 (6 to 12)
90 seconds

Late Off-
Eccentric Strength 6 to 7 3 to 4 (6 to 12) 90 to 120 seconds

Strength Endurance 5 to 6 2 to 3 (12 to 15) 30 to 45 seconds

Maintenance of Off
and Pre-Season
Strength Gains

Varies Varies Varies

From my experience working with youth and amateur athletes, the challenge for the coach (and it is
certainly a big challenge) is that there will be a large variation in strength amongst the players. I have
coached youth teams in which some players could easily perform 10 push-ups, whereas others were not
capable of doing one. That is why fitness assessments at the start, and at various points throughout the
season, is so important. As a coach, you have to carefully monitor your athletes and assign exercises with
the appropriate level of difficulty to each individual. If you give the same exercise to every player, then it
may be a breeze for some or way too challenging for others.

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