Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Bounding: Bounding refers to jumps categorized by alternate leg landing and subsequent takeoffs.
Compared to other jumps, bounding emphasizes greater horizontal speed and distance. As a visual
description, think of the first two jumps in a triple jump.

Multiple versus Standing Jumps/Hops: Multiple jumps refer to repeated movements or jumps/hops in
which there is no recovery between repetitions. As soon as contact is made, the individual immediately
repeats the jump (Figure 7.4). Standing jumps are maximum effort jumps in which there is a recovery
period between each attempt.

a) b) c)
Figure 7.4

Depth Jumps: Depth jumps involve the athlete stepping off and then landing from an elevated position,
such as from the top of a box, and then immediately jumping into a new direction (Figure 7.5). Depth
jumps are extremely high in intensity and should only be performed by experienced athletes who have a
suitable level of basic strength.

a) b) c)
Figure 7.5

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