Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Note: In comparison to the jumps or hops described in Chapter 3 for developing dynamic balance, the
exercises listed here are meant to be explosive in nature. The athlete needs to produce a great amount of
force to clear a substantially higher hurdle or to elevate themselves as high as possible. These jumps must
also emphasize the countermovement and proper arm action.

Jumps in Place with One-Touch Passing

Category: Vertical, Multiple Jump with Short Response

Intensity Level: Low

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of two. Each group needs one ball. Have both
players stand 3 to 4 yards apart, facing each other. One of the players should have a ball at their feet
(Figure 7.6a). When ready have both players stand upright, with feet shoulder width apart and then
perform 6 to 8 repetitions of (multiple) vertical jumps. As soon as both players are finished, have them
pass back and forth to each other for 90 seconds using one touch (Figure 7.6b). After 90 seconds, have
them perform another set of vertical jumps for a total of 2 or 3 sets.

Figure 7.6a Figure7.6b

Coaching Points: Have the players begin with a countermovement and then jump upwards by
explosively extending the ankles, knees and hips. They should land in the same position and then
immediately repeat the jump. This exercise is intended to be a short response activity and therefore the
time between landing and subsequent takeoff should be very short. Emphasize quick and fluid movements
between each jump.

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