Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Lateral Jumps over Hurdle with Two-Touch passing

Category: Lateral, Standing Jump with Long Response

Level: Intermediate

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of two. Each group needs one ball. Have both
players stand 7 to 8 yards apart, facing each other. One of the players should be standing 6 to 12 inches to
the right or left of a hurdle (or large cone) with their feet shoulder width apart. The other player should
have a ball at their feet (Figure 7.8a).

Figure 7.8a

When ready, have the player without the ball begin the exercise by jumping laterally over the hurdle by
explosively extending the ankles, knees and hips. As soon as the player lands, they should have a ball
passed to them by their partner, which they should control and then return with the next touch (Figure

As soon as they return the pass, have the player get into a ready position and jump laterally over the
barrier again so that they return to the initial starting position. As before, as soon as they land, they should
have a ball played to them by their partner that they should control and return with the next touch. Repeat
this process for a total of 6 to 8 repetitions and then have the players switch roles.

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