Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 7.8b

Coaching Points: When jumping, the player should begin with a counter movement and jump
explosively upwards and to the side by powerfully extending the ankles, knees and hips, while using the
arms to assist. You should also emphasize proper landing technique (discussed earlier).

When passing, ensure that the player keeps the ankle locked and the toes pointed upwards when making
contact with the ball, and that the follow-through action of the foot is toward their partner.

Variation: You can vary the exercise by changing the delivery of the pass (bounced or air ball), by
changing the part of the foot (inside, outside) that the player must use to make their first touch, or by
restricting the players to return the pass with one-touch. You can also have the player jump forwards
rather than laterally.

Progression: You can progress this exercise to i) an intermediate level by increasing the height of the
hurdle; or ii) a high level by having the player jump off and land on one leg.

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