Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 7.9b

Coaching Points: The player should begin with a countermovement and jump up and over the hurdles by
explosively extending the ankles, knees and hips, while using the arms to assist. This exercise is intended
to be a short response activity and therefore the time between landing and subsequent takeoff should be
very short. Emphasize quick and fluid movements between each jump.

When volleying, the player should be compact over the ball. The ankle should remain locked with the
toes pointing upwards, and the leg should follow through in the direction of the second coach (where they
are playing the ball).

Progression: You can progress this exercise to i) an intermediate level by increasing the height of the
hurdle; or ii) a high level by having the player jump off and land on 1 leg.

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