Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Multiple Zigzag Hurdle Jumps with Touch into Space and Dribble

Category: Multiple Diagonal Jumps with Short Response

Intensity Level: High

Set-up and Directions: Place seven hurdles 2 feet apart in a zigzag pattern. Have a small group of players
line up behind a cone 3 yards from, and in line with, the first hurdle in the row. The coach should stand
approximately 5 yards from and in line with the last hurdle in the row with a supply of balls (Figure
7.13a). Place another cone 5 to 7 yards to the left or right (right in picture) of the coach.

Figure 7.13a

When ready, have the first player approach the outside of the first hurdle and, from a standing position,
jump diagonally to the outside of the second hurdle. As soon as they land, they must immediately jump
diagonally over the second hurdle to the outside of the third hurdle and continue the process until they
have cleared the 7th and final hurdle (Figure 7.13b).

After clearing the final hurdle, they must run towards the coach, who will play a ball into their feet that
they must play into the direction of the cone to their left with their first touch (Figure 7.13c). They must
then dribble to the cone with their subsequent touches and then return the ball to the coach. As soon as the
player is finished, have them quickly join the back of the line. Repeat for a total of 5 or 6 repetitions.

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