Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Depth Push-up

Level: Medium

Description: Have your players assume the starting position of a standard push-up but with a soccer ball
placed directly below their chests. Instruct them to lower themselves until their chest touches the ball
(Figure 7.15a). At this point, have them forcefully push up so that they can place both hands on the soccer
ball (Figure 7.15b) and then fully extend the elbows (Figure 7.15c). At the top of the movement, quickly
remove the hands and repeat the procedure for a total of 5 to 6 repetitions.

a) b) c)
Figure 7.15

Sample Exercise: Depth Push-up with Individual Dribbling

Directions and Coaching Points: This exercise uses the penalty box for the playing area. Each player
needs a ball. Instruct them to dribble around inside the playing area using small touches while keeping
their heads up. They are not allowed to go outside the penalty box. After 90 seconds, have all players
perform 5 repetitions of depth push-ups. As soon everyone is finished, have them dribble again for
another 90 seconds, after which, they perform a second set of depth push-ups. Continue this cycle for the
desired amount of sets.

Variation: You can vary the dribbling component by i) having them take alternate touches with the inside
then outside of the foot; ii) having them perform a step-over after every three touches; iii) having them
dribble with the weaker leg only; iv) performing a cutback after every 3 touches; or v) any way you feel

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