Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Pass and Sprint to Open Cone

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of four. Each group needs a ball. For each group,
set up a 20 yard by 20 yard playing grid. Place five cones inside the grid at random points. However,
ensure that each cone is at least 10 yards away from the nearest cone. Have each player stand at a
different cone, so that one cone is without a player .One of the four players should have a ball at their feet
(Figure 8.4a).

Figure 8.4a

When ready, the player with the ball plays a firm pass into the feet of any of the other three players. As
soon as they make this pass, they must sprint to the open cone (Figure 8.4b). The player who receives the
pass must take a touch and then pass it to another player, followed by a sprint to the open cone (Figure
8.4c). However, they are not allowed to pass it to the player from whom they received the pass.

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