Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Control, Pass and Sprint

Set-up and Directions: Divide your players into groups of two. For each group, set up the following
station: Place two small cones 2 yards apart horizontally. Have a player stand at any of these two cones
with a ball at their feet. Place a second pair of small cones horizontally so that they are 15 yards apart but
10 yards away from the first set of cones. These cones will be for the second (working) player. Have the
working player stand at the cone on the side that their partner is on. The two players should be facing
each other (Figure 8.5a). Play is initiated by the player with the ball making a pass to the feet of their
partner who takes a touch and then immediately plays the ball back (Figure 8.5b).

Figure 8.5a Figure 8.5b

As soon the working player returns the pass, they must turn and sprint towards the cone 15 yards away
(Figure 8.5c). At this point they will receive another pass from their partner (who has also moved to the
second cone) which they must again control and quickly return (Figure 8.5d).

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