Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Work-to-rest Ratio: Continue this activity for 90 seconds, rest for one minute, and then have the two
groups switch roles. This gives a work-to-rest ratio of 1:3. Have each group perform 4 to 6 repetitions of

Coaching Points: When applying pressure, the defender must get there as quickly as possible using fast
and powerful steps, but slow themselves as they approach the player with the ball. Defenders must also
move as quickly as possible, using appropriate foot work (backpedals or side-to side shuffles), when
recovering from a pressuring position.

All defenders should maintain good body orientation (for example, side-on position and low centre of
gravity for pressuring defenders) and must adjust their positions as the ball is played and not after the
player receives the ball.

Encourage the players passing the ball to take their first touch and move the ball as quickly as possible
but with quality passes.

Progression: You can progress this exercise by placing a third group of four players at the bottom of the
grid. The group passing the ball at the top should now attempt to play a penetrating pass through the
defending group to one of the players in the group at the bottom of the grid (Figure 8.6e).

Figure 8.6e
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