Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Assessing Strength Endurance

The Push-up (Standard and partial methods): The Push-up is an excellent exercise to develop upper-
body and core strength, and assessing the maximum number of repetitions that can be performed in a 2-
minute time frame provides a valid assessment of upper-body strength endurance. The partial push-up can
be used in young or female athletes who may not have well-developed upper-body strength.

Equipment: Flat open space in a gym or on a field, stop-watch

Set-up and Directions: For the standard push-up, have the athlete assume the normal starting position for
a push-up with the palms flat on the floor, shoulder width apart, and the arms and body straight (Figure
1.8a). For the partial push-up method, have the athlete start in a position where the knees, and not the feet
are in contact with the floor (Figure 1.8c). Have the athlete lower themselves (keeping the body straight)
until the chest is approximately three inches from the floor (Figures 1.8b, 1.8d), then return to the starting
position by forcefully extending the elbows. If they do not lower themselves to the desired position, then
it is considered a failed repetition and not counted. In addition, athletes are not allowed to pause at the
bottom position. Count the number of successful repetitions completed in a 2-minute time period.

a) b)

c) d)
Figure 1.8 Standard and Partial Push-up Tests for Assessing Muscular Endurance

Assessment: Scores less than 15 for men and 10 for women are considered to be poor and it is
recommended that these players focus on developing basic upper body strength then progress to
developing strength endurance.

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