Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Body weight Squat: The squat is a fundamental exercise for developing lower body and core strength,
and by assessing the number of successful repetitions performed in a 2-minute period gives a good
indication of lower body strength endurance.

Equipment: Flat open space in a gym or on a field, stop watch

Set-up and Directions: Have the athlete stand on a flat surface with the feet parallel to each other and hip
width apart. The toes should be pointing straight forward. The arms should be folded across the chest as
shown (Figure 1.9a). Have the athlete squat down until the thighs are parallel to the floor (Figure 1.9b),
pause for one second and then return to the starting position by extending the knees, hips and ankles. If
the athlete is unable to squat to the desired position then it is considered a failed repetition. Count the
number of successful repetitions completed in a 2-minute time frame.

a) b)
Figure 1.9 Assessing Lower Body Muscular Endurance with the Body Weight Squat

Assessment: Male and female athletes who complete less than 20 and 15 repetitions respectively should
make multi-joint lower body exercises such as the squat and lunge a priority in the strength component of
their conditioning program.

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