Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1


Fitness assessment tests need to be administered properly and in a structured manner in order to achieve
accurate and consistent results. In addition, the athlete's health is a top priority and tests therefore need to
be safely conducted. The following subsections provide various guidelines that will ensure tests are
administered safely and in an organized manner.

Test preparation

Players need to be properly warmed up prior to conducting any test in order to avoid injuries and to
improve the reliability of the tests results. On days with multiple tests, a general warm-up of jogging and
dynamic stretching prior to the first test should be adequate. However, if there is a long waiting period
between tests, the athlete may need to repeat the warm-up procedure.

Test Sequence

Ideally, tests that assess anaerobic and aerobic endurance should be conducted on separate days from the
other tests. In many situations however, all assessments are all completed on the same day. In such an
event, the tests should be ordered in a way that gives the most reliable results. Indeed, assessments that
require skilled movements and coordination should be administered before ones likely to induce fatigue.
Administer tests in the following sequence on occasions when they are all done on the same day:

1) Flexibility tests (Sit and reach, overhead squat)

2) Agility tests (T-test)

3) Power tests (vertical jump)

4) Speed tests (40 and 10 yard sprint)

5) Strength endurance tests (Push up and body weight squat)

6) Anaerobic endurance tests (300 yard shuttle)

7) Aerobic endurance tests (1.5 mile run)

You must also ensure that your players are sufficiently rested between different tests, and between trials
of the same test. A rest period of 5 to 10 minutes between tests of different components should be
adequate, whereas a period of 3 to 5 minutes is sufficient between trials of the same test. However,
assessments for aerobic endurance (1.5-mile run) should be completed at least one hour after the
anaerobic endurance test (300-yard shuttle run).

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