Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Forward Lunge

Muscle Groups Involved: Gluteus Maximus
(Buttocks), Hamstrings, Iliopsoas (Hip flexor),

Directions: Have your players stand erect with
feet shoulder width apart and parallel to each
other. Direct them to take a step forward (about
2 to 3 feet) with the right leg, gradually flexing
the right knee and hip, until the left knee just
about touches the floor. The right foot should
land flat on the ground with the toes pointing
forward and the right thigh should be parallel to
the ground. The front knee should not extend
past the toes (Figure 2.2). Instruct them to return
to the starting position by pushing off with the
right foot as soon as the left knee touches the
ground. The torso should be kept erect through
the entire motion. Repeat with the left leg.

Side Lunge

Muscle Groups Involved: Gluteus Maximus,
Hip Abductors and Adductors, Hamstrings,

Directions: The starting position is the same as
Forward Lunge. This time the player takes a big
step laterally with the right leg and flexes the
right knee until the right thigh is just about
parallel to the ground. The player’s body weight
should be kept over the heel of the right leg. The
left leg should remain straight and the left foot
should remain flat on the floor (Figure 2.3).
Have them immediately return to the starting
position by pushing off with the right foot and
then repeat the process with the left leg.

Figure 2.2 Forward Lunge

Figure 2.3 Side Lunge
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