Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Open and Close the Gate

Muscle Groups Involved: Iliopsoas, Hip Abductors and Adductors, Gluteus Maximus

Directions: Direct the players to stand erect with feet shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
Have them gradually bring the right knee straight up until the right thigh is parallel to the floor (Figure
2.4a) and then abduct the thigh (open the gate) as shown (Figure 2.4b). Instruct them to hold this position
for one second and then adduct the thigh (close the gate) until the knee is facing straight ahead. Return to
the starting position and then repeat for the left leg.

a) b)
Figure 2.4 Open and close the Gate

High Kicks

Muscle Groups Involved: Hamstrings,
Iliopsoas, Erector Spinae (Lower Back), Ankle

Directions: Have your players stand upright
with feet shoulder width apart; and with the left
hand straight out, parallel to the floor and palm
down. Direct them to swing the right leg
forward, by flexing at the hip, until the instep of
the right foot touches the palm of the left hand
(Figure 2.5) and then return to the starting
position. The right leg should remain straight
and the toes should be pointing straight forward.
Keep the movement fluid and controlled. Switch
legs after each swing.

Figure 2.5 High Kicks
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