Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Lunge and Twist

Muscle Groups Involved: Gluteus Maximus,
Hamstrings, Iliopsoas, Obliques (Core),
Latissimus Dorsi (Upper Back)

Directions: Have the players lunge forward with
the right leg as described in the Lunge exercise
earlier. As the left knee just about touches the
ground, instruct them to reach up with the left
arm and slowly bend the torso laterally towards
the right leg (Figure 2.6). Return to the erect
torso position and then to the initial starting

Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

Muscle Groups Involved: Hamstrings, Erector

Directions: Instruct your players to stand erect
with feet shoulder width apart and parallel to
each other. Have them simultaneously push the
left leg backwards and touch the ground with
both hands just in front of the right foot by
bending at the waist. The left leg should remain
straight and the right leg should be bent very
slightly at the knee (Figure 2.7). Direct them to
gradually return to the starting position and then
switch legs.

Dynamic Quadriceps Stretch

Muscle Groups Involved: Quadriceps

Directions: Stand erect with feet shoulder width
apart and parallel to each other. In a fluid
motion, bring the heel of the right foot towards
the buttocks, by flexing the right knee. Hold the
right foot in the position shown (Figure 2.8) for
one second and then return to the starting pose.
Switch legs and then repeat.

Figure 2.6 Lunge and Twist

Figure 2.7 Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

Figure 2.8 Dynamic Quadriceps Stretch
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