Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 2.9b Figure 2.9c

Note: the working player must touch the cone in the centre of the circle before they can run towards a new
player to receive and return a pass. Have the players work continuously for 60 seconds, switch roles as
quickly as possible, and then proceed for another 60 seconds.

Dynamic Stretches and Sport-Specific movements: Continue this sequence until each group does a total
of 6 to 8 working repetitions. However, after both groups have completed one repetition, have them do a
different dynamic stretch (in place) before continuing the passing and receiving sequence. Ensure they
perform all of the stretching exercises provided above.

You should also incorporate different movement patterns into the exercise. After each group has
performed two repetitions, have the players backpedal towards the cone after receiving and retuning a
pass to the player on the outside. You can then switch to side-to-side shuffles after another two
repetitions. For the last 60-second repetition, have the players sprint each time they move from the cone
to receive a pass from the player on the outside. They can jog to the cone after playing a pass, but must
sprint from the cone as soon as they touch it.

Variation: You should switch the type of pass or technical action after every one or two repetitions.
Consider including passes along the ground, bounced passes, heading, as well as instructing the players to
use different parts of the body (chest, thighs) to receive the ball.

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