Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Sample Routine B

Set-up and Directions: Divide your squad into groups of 4 to 6 players. For each group, place two cones
15 yards apart and have a line of two or three players stand behind each cone. The two lines should be
facing each other and the player at the front of one of the lines should have a ball at their feet (Figure

Initiate the exercise by having the player with the ball pass to the player at the front of the other line and
then follow their pass by running, until they join the back of the other line (Figure 2.10b). The player
who receives the ball then does the same. The players are limited to a maximum of two touches.

Figure 2.10a Figure 2.10b

Continue this process for 90 seconds and then have your players perform a dynamic stretching exercise.
Complete a total of 7 or 8 cycles of pass and follow your pass, followed by a dynamic stretching exercise.
However, ensure the players perform a different stretch after each repetition.

Sport-Specific movements: After every one or two cycles have them perform a different movement
pattern after playing their pass. Consider the following: place two cones mid-way between the first two
cones so that one is 7 yards to the left and the other is 7 yards to the right. After making a pass, have the
player run to the cone to their right, cut left, and then join the line at the other end (Figure 2.10c).

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