Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 2.10c Figure 2.10d

After the next 90-second cycle, have the player run to the cone, turn, and then backpedal until they join
the line at the other end (Figure 2.10d). You can then replace backpedaling with side-to-side shuffles,
butt kicks or any other soccer-specific movement pattern that you see fit. For the final cycle, have them
run to the cone and then sprint to the end of the line on the other side.

Variation: You should vary the passing component of the activity after every one or two 90-second
cycles. For example, you can instruct your players to take their first touch with the inside or outside of the
foot. You can also have them play passes using the laces or outside of the foot only. Lastly, you can limit
them to one touch only. The warm-up may also include balance and neuromuscular exercises, which are
discussed in the following chapter.


The last thing many players want to do after a game or practice is cool-down, but this phase is critical to
the recovery process. The purpose of the cool-down is to provide the body with a gradual transition from
intense exercise to a resting state by i) slowly decreasing the heart and breathing rates; ii) reducing body
temperature; and iii) returning the muscles to an optimal length-tension relationship. Flexibility exercises
are essential to the cool-down, and Static and PNF stretches are the best forms to use. Both enhance
relaxation and facilitate a steady decrease in body temperature. Static exercises are preferable to the
amateur and youth coach however, as performing PNF stretching exercises require expertise and most
often requires a partner, making it less practical.

Static Stretching routine: As with dynamic flexibility routines, a static stretching routine for soccer
players should involve all the major muscle groups engaged during the various movements and actions.
Include the following stretches at the end of your training session to help maintain whole-body flexibility,
reduce muscle soreness and initiate recovery from intense exercise:

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