Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Arm across the Chest Stretch

Muscle Groups Involved: Middle Trapezius,
Rhomboids (Upper and Mid Back)

Directions: Stand erect and bring the right arm
across the chest by moving the right hand
towards the left shoulder. Engage the stretch by
slowly pushing the right elbow towards the left
shoulder with the palm of the left hand (Figure
2.20). Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and then switch

Figure 2.20 Arm across the Chest Stretch

Each stretch should be performed slowly and under control. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, and
then return to the starting position slowly. It is also important that you do not stretch the muscle until the
point of pain as this can lead to muscle and connective tissue injuries.


As previously mentioned, flexibility training is recommended for players of all ages, including pre-
puberty and adolescent players and should be a high priority no matter what phase of the season. As will
be mentioned in Chapter 6, good flexibility is important when youth players begin strength training as it
helps prevent injuries and facilitates the use of good technique. Flexibility training is especially important
for adolescent players. This is because growth spurts that occur during puberty may lead to muscle
imbalances around a joint, which may make a child more susceptible to injury.

All training sessions and games should be preceded by and end with flexibility training. Static and
dynamic stretching can be used by players of all ages (not necessary for mini soccer). However, Ballistic
stretches are not recommended for pre-puberty and adolescent players, whereas PNF stretching can be
introduced in the later years of the adolescent phase.

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