Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1



Developing good balance should be a fundamental goal when designing a conditioning program for
soccer, as this tenet of conditioning is critical in so many game situations. The ability of a striker to i)
receive a lofted ball with the instep or thighs while under pressure from a defender; or ii) stay on their feet
after evading a sliding challenge while dribbling at full speed; both depend on the ability to maintain
control of the body. Developing the balance component is also important for improving other facets of the
game. For example, having good stability allows a player to change direction more efficiently and
perform one-touch passes with greater control; highlighting the importance of balance in the agility and
technical aspects of the sport.

Unfortunately, balance training is a component of conditioning frequently neglected by coaches either due
to a lack of time, or the belief that this element of fitness is not important. However, one of the great
things about balance training is that you don’t t need to do many exercises to get a positive effect. In
addition, many balance exercises can easily be modified to include some form of ball work.

Figure 3.1 Good Balance is essential for maintaining control when receiving balls under pressure
and trying to turn your man
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