Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Lateral Hops with Side-Footed Volleys

Level: Intermediate

Set up and Instructions: Divide your players into pairs with one ball between the two. Instruct them to
stand about 3 yards apart and have the player with the ball hold it in their hands. The player without the
ball starts with both feet on the ground, shoulder width apart, approximately 8 to 12 inches to the side of a
mini hurdle or cone (Figure 3.7a). When ready, direct that player to hop laterally over the mini hurdle and
land and balance on one leg. The landing leg should be the one furthest away from the hurdle after
hoping, or the outside leg (Figures 3.7b and 3.7c). After maintaining a balanced position for at least 2 to 3
seconds, their partner will toss a ball to them which they return with a side-footed volley. Note: for every
repetition, the player must hop from a two-footed stance, but land on one leg.

a) b) c) d)
Figure 3.7 Lateral Hops with Side-Footed Volleys

Coaching Points: As before, ensure the athlete bends the knee slightly and that shoulders are over the
knee when they land. When passing, the player should be compact over the ball. The ankle should remain
locked with the toes pointing upwards, and the leg should follow through in the direction of their partner.

Progression: This exercise can be progressed to an advanced level by either landing on inside leg (Figure
3.7d), increasing the height of the hurdle, or by changing the starting position from a two-footed to a one-
footed stance.

Variation: The exercise can be varied by doing volleys with the laces or by changing the technical action.

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