Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

180-Degrees Hop with Side-Footed Volleys

Level: Advanced

Set up and Instructions: Players are again divided into groups of two, with one ball between the pair.
The player without the ball starts with both feet shoulder width apart, 2 to 3 yards in front of, but with
their back turned to their partner (Figure 3.8a). When ready, direct that player to jump and perform a 180-
degree turn while in the air and then land and balance on one leg (Figure 3.8b). After balancing for three
seconds, they will receive a tossed ball to the non-balancing leg that they should return with a side-footed
volley (Figure 3.8c). Have them return to the starting position and repeat for a total of 8 to 10 repetitions
per leg.

a) b)

c) d)
Figure 3.8 180-Degrees Hop with Volleys

Coaching Points: As before, ensure the athlete bends the knee slightly and the shoulders are over the
knee when they land. The athlete also needs to jump high enough to perform a 180-degree turn while in
the air. When passing, the player should be compact over the ball. The ankle should remain locked with
the toes pointing upwards, and the leg should follow through in the direction of their partner.

Variation: This exercise can be varied by changing the technical element to any one of the actions
mentioned in the previous exercises, or by performing volleys with the laces (Figure 3.8d).

Progression: To progress this exercise, you can have the player hop up and over a mini hurdle placed 6 to
12 inches behind them, or by changing the starting position stance to one leg.

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