Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Note: The hops in the exercises presented above are not intended to be explosive in nature. They should
be controlled (somewhat slow) movements aimed at getting the player a few inches off the ground, or
over the barrier. When incorporating a hurdle, it should be not more than 6 to 12 inches (i.e., a mini


Balance and motor-skill training exercises are recommended for soccer players of all ages, as developing
good coordination should start at a young age. However, only the exercises in the basic category should
be used for players in the pre-puberty age group. Games like hop-scotch with one-touch passing can also
be used to improve balance and coordination in the younger pre-puberty players (7 to 8 year olds).

Adolescent and post-puberty players can progress to more advanced exercises once they have mastered
the basic exercises. Regardless of age, balance training should be incorporated into training at least once
per week; either as part of, or immediately after, the warm-up.

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