Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1



Lightning speed is a necessary quality for all soccer players, regardless of playing position. Even
goalkeepers need to develop this component of fitness, especially when coming of their line to intercept
well-placed though balls. In fact, speed is regarded by both players and coaches as one of the most
important predictors of soccer performance. As such, these individuals spend countless of hours on
improving this facet of the sport. For the time-constrained coach, the challenge, as always, lies with when
and how to incorporate speed work into twice-a-week practice schedules.

Developing a solid speed base is reliant upon establishing a sound foundation in other conditioning
parameters; in particular, strength, power and flexibility. Gaining distance on a player requires powerful,
explosive movements from both the arms and legs and emphasizes the importance of strength and power
training (Chapters 6 and 7). Moreover, poor flexibility (Chapter 2) in the hip-flexor and hamstrings
muscles will greatly impair stride length, a major determinant of maximum speed capabilities.

When thinking of speed, the 100 meter race generally comes to mind. However, although great technique
is required for both, training to run a 100 meter race cannot be applied to soccer. Though you may see
attackers bursting forward starting from deep inside their own half, the majority of sprints in soccer occur
over relatively short distances. Importantly, accelerating and sprinting in soccer occurs from a variety of
starting positions (stationary, from a lying position, after a turn) and in multiple directions (linear,
diagonal, curved). Situations in soccer that involve rapid acceleration and full on sprinting also involve
performing one or more technical and tactical tasks such as tackling, receiving, or regaining position on
an opponent. Coaches therefore need to focus on developing soccer-specific speed that is multi-
dimensional in nature.

Figure 4.1 Speed and acceleration are necessary qualities for defenders making recovery runs
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