Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

mechanics for the first time. Similarly, you do not want to include a technical action so complex that it
takes away from the agility component of the drill.

Overall, when training for agility, the exercises you choose should range from a basic level that
emphasizes elementary agility technique (ready position, footwork and cutting mechanics), to an
advanced category, which involves responding quickly to different stimuli while performing more
complex technical and tactical tasks. Table 5.1 summarizes the different variables that can be used to
progress agility exercises.

TABLE 5.1 Variables for Progressing Agility Exercises


Basic Level

Advanced Level

Speed of

Speed that players are comfortable with
and which allows them to perform the
pattern with proper technique

As quickly as possible under control, but
with proper technique

Level of

Simple (For example, running forwards
through the agility ladder using a one
foot in per square pattern)

Complex (For example, running through
the agility ladder backwards using a one
in, one out diagonal step)

Planned or

Planned (Players know exactly what
movement patterns to perform)

Reactive (Players have to respond to
movement of an opponent or different
sensory stimuli)
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