This material will be published by Cambridge University Press as Bandit
Algorithms by Tor Lattimore and Csaba Szepesvari. This pre-publication version
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35 Bayesian Bandits
The first section of this chapter provides simple bounds on the Bayesian optimal
regret, which are obtained by integrating the regret guarantees for frequentist
algorithms studied in Part II. This is followed by a short interlude on the basic
theory of optimal stopping. The final sections are devoted to special cases where
computing the Bayesian optimal policy is tractable. The highlight is a proof of
Gittins celebrated result characterizing the Bayesian optimal policy for finite-
armed bandits with an infinite-horizon and discounted rewards.
35.1 Bayesian optimal regret fork-armed stochastic bandits
Even in relatively benign setups, the computation of the Bayesian optimal policy
appears hopelessly intractable. Nevertheless, one can investigate the value of the
Bayesian optimal regret by proving upper and lower bounds.
For simplicity we restrict our attention to Bernoulli bandits, but the arguments
generalize more broadly. Let (E,G) = ([0,1]k,B([0,1]k)), forν ∈[0,1]klet
Pνj=B(νj). Choose some priorQon (E,G). The Bayesian optimal regret is
necessarily smaller than the minimax regret, which by Theorem 9.1 means that
whereC >0 is a universal constant. The proof of the lower bound in Exercise 15.2
shows that for eachnthere exists a priorQfor which
where c > 0 is a universal constant. These two together show that the
supQBR∗n(Q) = Θ(
Turning to the asymptotics for a fixed distribution, recall that that for any fixed
Bernoulli bandit environment, the asymptotic growth rate of regret is Θ(log(n)).
In stark contrast to this, the best we can say in the Bayesian case is that the
asymptotic growth rate ofBR∗n(Q) is slower than
n, but for some priors
almost a lower bound on the growth rate. In particular, we ask you to prove the
following theorem in Exercise 35.1: