The Writing Experiment by Hazel Smith

(Jos van der Sman) #1
Example 2.35: Student example
i come to You
You have me under
i do not live a day without
Yo u

Yo u
reign as master and i
Your slave

You look at me
i desire Your daily assessment
Your gaze seizes

I bare myself before You
You inspect
You have me under

and i your slave

‘Mirror’ (Tan 1998)


In this chapter we have explored how changes to language cause shifts in
genre. We have moved not only between prose and poetry, but also between
generic modes such as satire and surrealism. This has given us a sense of the
flexibility of genre, and the way that exciting writing often pushes produc-
tively at its edges. In fact turning genre on its head is a major experimental
strategy, and one of the ways in which our writing can question how we
represent the world around and within us. Genre will therefore be shifted
even further in later chapters. For example, Chapter 5 both delineates and
‘moves’ narrative as a genre; Chapters 7 and 8 explore the redrawing
of generic boundaries in postmodern fiction and poetry; and Chapter 9

46 The Writing Experiment

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