New Scientist - USA (2022-04-02)

(Maropa) #1
18 | New Scientist | 2 April 2022


Chris Stokel-Walker

A ROBOT trained by a machine-
learning algorithm that imitates
a human demonstrator can
successfully peel a banana without
smashing it to smithereens.
Handling soft fruit is a challenge
for robots, which often lack the
dexterity and nuanced touch to
process items without destroying
them. The uneven shape of fruit –
which can vary significantly even
with the same type of fruit – can
also flummox the computer-vision
algorithms that often act as the
brains of such robots.
Heecheol Kim at the University
of Tokyo and his colleagues have
developed a machine-learning
system that powers a robot
(pictured below), which has
two arms and hands that grasp
between two “fingers”.
It was trained by having a human
operating the robot peel hundreds
of bananas, creating 811 minutes
of demonstration data for the
system to learn from. After training,
the robot was able to successfully
peel a banana 57 per cent of the
time (
“What is really interesting in
this case is that the process that
a human uses has been carried
over into the training of the robot
system through the deep-imitation
learning,” says Jonathan Aitken
at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Aitken would like to see how
the robot handles fruit that is more
misshapen. The technology won’t
simply be used for bananas, though:
the goal is to train a system that
can deal with general tasks that
require fine motor skills. ❚

Robot works out
how to carefully
peel a banana



Carissa Wong

TWO existing drugs may help
regenerate mouse lungs that
have been damaged by cigarette
smoke. The preliminary
findings suggest the drugs might
benefit people with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease,
which currently has no cure.
COPD is the third leading
cause of death worldwide after
heart disease and stroke, and
can result from smoking, air
pollution or genetics. It involves
an excessive immune response
that irreversibly damages the
lungs, leading to elevated
mucus levels in them, shortness
of breath and chest tightness.
“The problem with COPD at
the moment is that we do not
have a way of preventing the
progression of disease and
the decline in lung function.
We only have ways to treat
symptoms,” says Reinoud
Gosens at the University of
Groningen in the Netherlands.
COPD damages so-called
epithelial progenitor cells that
normally regenerate the lining
of the lungs, meaning they
cannot repair themselves.
Previous efforts at treating this
condition have mainly focused

on invasive cellular therapies
such as stem cell implants,
which provide a source of
progenitor cells.
Gosens and his colleagues
analysed data previously
collected from the lung tissue
of people with COPD and mice
exposed to cigarette smoke, as
well as data from healthy people
and mice, to find out which

genes were more or less active
in diseased tissues compared
with healthy controls.
This allowed them to identify
two proteins in epithelial
progenitor cells that contributed
to the disease and could be
targeted with two existing
drugs: iloprost, which is used
to treat high blood pressure in
lung arteries, and misoprostol,
used to heal stomach ulcers.
To test these drugs, the team
exposed mice to cigarette
smoke for four months. Lung
progenitor cells were then
extracted from the animals

and grown in a gel for 14 days,
in dishes that each contained
one of the drugs, or control
dishes with no drug.
“You take the progenitor
cells and place them in a gel,
then they form these mini-lung
structures known as organoids,”
says Gosens. By assessing how
many organoids developed in
the absence or presence of the
drugs, the team found that both
drugs appeared to fully restore
the regenerative ability of the
progenitor cells, which declined
after exposure to the smoke.
The team also treated the
mice with the drugs during
a week of cigarette smoke
exposure and found they had
the same beneficial effect on
subsequently extracted lung
progenitor cells (Science
“Compared to other
drugs that can support lung
regeneration in animals,
the big benefit of the drugs
we’ve identified is that they’re
already used to treat other
conditions, so we know that
they are safe and they are
similarly effective,” says Gosens.
“I’m really delighted to see
people working on regenerative
power using drugs in COPD,”
says Rolf Ziesche at the Medical
University of Vienna, Austria.
“However, the model uses
mice aged at about 20 human
years, whereas typical COPD
patients are around 50 and
we know regenerative power
slows with age. Better models
are needed to really establish
therapeutic potential.” ❚

For more on regeneration,
see page 35

Drugs seem to help repair

damaged mouse lungs


O^ Z




D^ J


G^ L

O^ G






CT scan of human lungs
(black) with damaged
tissue (blue/green)

“ The drugs identified are
already used to treat
other conditions, so we
know that they are safe”





Y^ O

F^ T


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