Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1


override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

In order to update the values of the open parking spots on the screen, you need a
reference of the Open Parking Spots: 0 label in your ViewController.swift file. Xcode
provides a very easy way to do this, as shown in Figure  7-28. You simply drag and drop the
label from the storyboard on the ViewController.swift file. Make sure you keep the Ctrl
button on the keyboard pressed.

Figure 7-28. Drag and drop label from storyboard

Figure 7-29. Outlet properties

When you drop the label on the code, Xcode will display a popup to enter the
name of this property. As shown in Figure  7-29 , enter a name and make sure you leave
Connection set to Outlet. Click Connect to add a new property to ViewController.swift.

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